C (134/301)

From:Fritsch Alexander
Date:24 Aug 99 at 07:09:29
Subject:Re: Drawing in a window

From: Fritsch Alexander <Alexander.Fritsch@icn.siemens.de>

Thanks for all the answers.I have already used Smart-Refresh, I just forgot
it. Stupid me!

But for the examples:
If I look into the help of BorlandC (especially BC3.1) then I find an small
working example
for nearly every function, for instance of graphics.h. The examples might
not be absolutely
necessary, but they give you a very fast idea what the function is intendet
for and what is to
consider if you want to use it. So one can simple copy and paste parts from
the example to the own
project. We should have such a example-collection for the too.
I do have the Amiga Developer CD 1.2, but if your time very limited due to
work, then you cannot affort to
search this CD until you find what you want. Either you find the solution
fast or you cancel your idea.
At least this is true for me :(

So I think we (or someone who is amiga-educated enough) should try to start
an effort to create a complete
amiga-library example collection. The examples could be revieved here on the
list and then published for
instance on Aminet.That would be nice and could be a huge help for many
people. But I fear this will remain a nice dream...

Kind regards and thanks for the response again,
Alexander Fritsch